
Selective Memory

I am so guilty of a typical "guy" thing.

I have a selective memory.

If what you are talking about isn't interesting or weird to me, chances are I am nodding politely and thinking about coffee.

And my rote memory skills? So so so bad. Unlike most girls I know that can throw arguments back into their boyfriends' faces months and even years afterward, I can NEVER remember conversations word for word. I can remember the gist of the conversation and how it made me feel but what was actually said? No clue (unless what was said was unexpected or funny).

I have a very-detail oriented job, so I make check lists and take copious notes so I have something to refer to. Circuit boards? Printer mechanisms? Software versions? Yawn. When someone at work starts babbling at me I always grab my notebook or open my email so I know what the hell they are talking about and I don't just give them a blank stare and start drooling. Because that would be really pretty and professional.

I think my brain likes to fuck with me. When I am trying to learn something new, I only seem to remember the action (or whatever) if it is different or stands out. Therefore, I mostly remember how to do things in the wrong way because that's what I remember.

Tie my shoes? backwards

(my right-handed mom tried to teach me how to tie my shoes for months. The time it stuck was when my left-handed dad showed me. Therefore, my bows are always upside down.)

Bellyroll? backwards

(no clue how I fucked this one up. But I did. It's not WRONG per se, but opposite of the way everyone else first learns.)

Play the finger cymbals? backwards

(instead of playing with one dominant hand, I alternate between my left and right hands being dominant, which makes it more difficult to change patterns when the music changes. So now I have to re-teach myself using a dominant hand.)

I'd be a spectacular brain in an alternate universe.

But as things are now...

I want coffee.


Virenda said...

Girl I ALWAYS want me some coffee. I am beginning to think coffee is the reason I'm so messed up.

Here me out. I used to sleep well and remember everything and FEEL healthy. NOW I'm always tired, can't remember shit to save my life, and I feel, well, Blah. UNLESS I have me some coffee, than I'm Spac-FREAKIN-tacular.


I'm glad I'm not as bad as you are, otherwise my husband wouldn't get things thrown back in his face. I just know he would miss it if I stopped.

Trouble said...

girl, i'm spectacular on adderall. It's amazing. The only problem these days is that I don't sleep anymore.

Chef said...


I'm sorry were you saying something?

Charlie said...

Sigh. My wife remembers every single thing I have ever done in thirty years that pissed her off. Our arguments don't start until I hear everything first, and then the battle can commence--usually three or four days later.

It COULD be the Starbucks she drinks like water. Next week, I'll be taking out a loan to keep her 'bucks card charged up.

Lena said...

Or how about when you KNOW you NEED to listen, so your brain keeps saying 'be sure to listen! This is important! You can't miss this!' over and over making you miss what's being said? Hmm? Weird enough for you?

Fortunately for my husband, he has a worse memory than me and that's what really matters.