
I feel like Pigpen...

Well, I haven't posted in a while, out of sheer laziness. So what is new with me? Not much except that it's summer and I WRECKED MY CAR!!! Grrr. Flipped it on I-95 during rush hour traffic, to be exact. Yay me. All I have to say about that is WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS, people! Mine saved my life. Really, it did!The guys flipping my car back over WITH ME STILL INSIDE IT didn't help, even tho they were trying to. So now I am driving the boyfriend's truck to work and daycare while me, the towing lot, insurance companies and Chrysler Financial all figure out what the hell is going on. How I am going to pay off a totalled car and buy another one to replace it all at the same time is a little intimidating right now. So I'm sore, carless, and very worried about moolah right now.

To add to the moolah problems, my company just won the proposal to renew our contract, so we all still have our jobs, BUT the next day, we got a big fat salary CUT because they had to underbid the contract to win it. SO now everybody here is good and pissed off and looking for a new job, including me.

And to top it all off, I had food poisoning a couple of days ago. Nothing like barfing at work because hey, you were just in a major car accident and used up all your sick time!

I'm gonna go stew under my dark cloud now. Leave me alone.

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