
Dinner Down Undah

R and I went out to eat with an Australian couple that he knows from work.

They were great - really friendly and outgoing. We talked for hours and I have learned 3 things:

1. Even tho Australia is a very laid back place and has good weather, I will never live in Australia. Australia is even more expensive than Maryland and they tax the SHIT out of you.

2. Love of The Simpsons by the male part of the species is universal.

3. Swear words are a lot more amusing to hear when it is said with an Aussie accent: to wit, deeeckhead and wankah.


Nikki said...

Deeeeeckhead - OMG LOL

mindy said...

my old roommate was from new zealand.. and i just loved to hear him talk. everything was wekid (wicked)and guess what else.. he loved the simpsons too! :)

mindy said...
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Mr Subtle said...

yes, ok universal lover for the simpsons I can understand - but not wanting to live in the great brown land?? ... shock horror ;)

Being a New Zealander living in Australia (think Canadian living in the US) it's always interesting to see an "outsider's" perspective.

I think your number one point has made me think (yet again) about moving to the US ... now to work out how to find work over there!

Love the blog btw :)

Misha said...

Nikki - It WAS highly amusing. And he even talked about how shocked Americans are at how much he cusses. Of course, I didn't even blink when he cussed. LOL

Mindy - The Simpsons must have some kind of subliminal message that affects men. But I love that show, too.

Glen - come to America... (see floating beckoning finger) Actually, they talked about how many hoops they had to jump thru to get here (they have their green cards) and that they also have to completely start over again with their credit rating (they were home owners in Australia, but that didn't matter), so it took them alot of cash to get settled here. That was the bad part. The good part was that they said it really is alot cheaper - the tax rate is based on how much you make, but it's still less than 53%. No sales tax is 10%. There is no $500 registration fee per year per car. Cable is cheap. Petrol is cheap. Housing is pretty cheap (depending on where you live). You can move your 401K anywhere you work without having to pay a 50% penalty (if you cash it, there is a penalty, but it's still not 50%) so I guess the hassle it takes to get here is a trade off.

MJ: Happy 4th to you, too!

Mr Subtle said...

damn it misha (or should I say "darn"??) - don't make it sound even better than I know it is :'(

fifipoo07 said...

I live in a country infiltrated by Aussies, and despite our intense need to needle each other at anything, be it about sport ( their better than us, apart from a few occasions) or beer ( ours is better) I can honestly say I like it that way. Me and hundreds of thousands of other brits, if we didn't exist they may not have a tourist industry (lol). They also have some pretty cool words over there, so I'm told.
EX: Stubby= can of beer. Tinny= Bottle of beer. All in all, love em or hate em wouldn't want to be without Aussies. Also am kind of looking for female bloggers to commnet on a post that I've written. Apparently we don't exist or some such rubbish. Cheerio. Pippa

Lena said...

Wankah is my number one favorite insult. Ask any ex. ;p

I'm always wanted to visit Sydney! Did you take pics?

Also, your post a few days ago with the quote from your honey? Can I just say that was the sweetest thing I've heard in a long time. Especially on the internet! Ha!

Nikki said...

Alright you slacker!

I tagged you with 20 things you hate and you better get to posting before I spam mail you.

(you know I wouldn't)