
I'm a Domestic Goddess... and a Nerd

R and I had a nice, quiet weekend alone. We went to the movies on Friday and saw Superman Returns. Saturday I went shopping and Sunday we went and got hair cuts (mine was just trimmed), went out to eat and went to Best Buy and got another cable modem for the desktop downstairs.

Wow, how thrilling was that to read?

Have I settled into domestic bliss and forsaken my flirtatious clubbing days? Maybe. I used to want to go clubbing so that I could dance for hours as an outlet for my excess energy (because I am usually PUMPED UP on Fridays after work). But now that I am dancing 2-3 days a week for bellydancing, I no longer feel the urge to sweat my ass off at a club while trying to fend off drunk guys.

You know what was the highlight of my weekend (besides spending time with my honey)? Buying a new sewing machine. But at least I was sewing bellydance costumes and wasn't making curtains or something.

I'm a domestic goddess AND a nerd. Woooooooo. Sexy, eh? Not so much.

Yes, I can sew. And cook. And decorate cakes. I can make household repairs and run the grill all by myself. I'm not even scared of bugs. And because of my job field, I am quite astute technically, as well. I install and hookup and troubleshoot all things technical in the household. Not that R can't do it, but he has little patience for such things.

In truth, the only reason I need a man around is for entertainment value because, I have learned one absolute truth over the years as an adult.

Vibrators, my dear readers, can't mow the lawn.

Or open pickle jars.


mindy said...

funny post!! i wish i could cook, grill, set up anything with plugs, and not be afraid of bugs. i bet my husband would like that too. but, i can sew. i kill all plants too. ugh. oh well.

Trouble said...

They aren't very snuggly, either.

Nikki said...


But vibrators do give a whole new meaning to the phrase

"I have a buzz"

Sven said...

Sounds much like my weekend. Kids away for the weekend and we spend our time cleaning, gardening and shopping for a new garbage disposal.

Oh well, at least we got a good nights sleep.

Lena said...

Sewing? Decorating cakes? Am I in the right place? ;)

Welcome to the dark side.