
The Day After

Blogger died when I tried to post the rest of this so I'll try this again... (I have no idea why this is showing up as a hyperlink either)
Lauren has been studying Ancient Civilizations in her Gifted and Talented Language Arts class, so she wanted to be Cleopatra for Halloween (this is after deciding against a goth teen and Princess Leia), so we did some research and I made this costume for her. The cartouche on her belt even says in "Lauren" in hieroglyphics.

Thank Isis for sewing machines and hot glue guns.

Since I am a big dork and like to do themed Halloween stuff, I was a Cleopatra's Mummy. (get it? har har har)
Ashyn, on the other hand, always bucks the trend. Last year we were vampires and she was a witch. This year, we were Egyptian and she was Elizabethan (and rather rumpled after running around on the playground at school).

But I was still her Mummy.

We went traipsing around the neighborhood with my close friend and her three boys and they got lots of loot and were very happy. One enterprising dance instructor even dropped her business card into their bags along with some candy.

It was fun, but... ugh, my feet hurt.


Anonymous said...

Can she get any cuter????? I just want to grab her and squeeze her so tight, even though I know she'll get all squirmy on me. :-)

And how fabulous is that Ankh? Love it!

Christina_the_wench said...

What a cute an original costume. She's adorable!

Nikki said...

That is a fabulous costume!
You go girl.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's more like a mother-daughter day instead of Halloween.


Great comstumes!

Unknown said...

What great costumes! You all looked great! Alas, I'm not so talented in the costume department, but at least the kids didn't go nekkid!

A funny for you-

Zach wanted me to dress as a mummy- he (he's 4) said, "Mommy, you should be a mummy. That would be funny. 'Cause...mommy. Mummy. Get it?".

I guess he's getting a sense of humor..lol

*~*Cece*~* said...

OMG what great costume ideas!

Misha said...

Trey - she doesn't hug back most days now. She'll kiss you, but make a face if you hug her. Little punkarella.

Christina - thanks! The dress itself was easy - I had the most difficulty with the belt, that that was mostly operator error. :) I didn't use a pattern - I just took measurements and cut it out. But since most of the materials were elastic... that's where I had the problem. Ugh.

Nikki - thank you thank you. no more ass kissing needed. hehe

MJ - I have a bug moon face in that picture... ugh. But thanks for the compliment anyway. :)

Nadine - I'm a big dork. Thanks!

Cece - I love themes. Again - I'm Dorky McDorkerson, especially at Halloween. One theme I STILL want to do is Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam. I just have to get my boyfriend really drunk in order for him to agree to it. lol

Nikki said...


Look at my picture chickie - pucker up. LOL