
The Silence is Deafening

I post that I'm back, but don't write anything in over a week. huh

It's not that I don't WANT to write... I just don't know what to write about at this juncture. I live an active and busy life, but it's mostly mundane things, like kid activities, work, and dance. I don't want to write lists of what I did last weekend and what my plans are for this week, because that is boring to write, much less read.

I want to write about my thoughts and feelings and over-analyze on here, like I do in my head.

But I hesitate.

I hesitate because, even tho this is my blog, other people in my real life read it occasionally and I've had some bad reactions and some 'splainin to do afterwards and I just don't want the drama. On the other hand, I want to write about my personal life with abandon, be it good, bad or otherwise.

Decisions, decisions.

In the meantime, I will pose a spiritual/metaphysical question I have been wondering about: do you believe houses and household items retain positive or negative energy?

I read the Tarot at least once a week (I have several decks, but use this deck -I love the art work- for the most part and use a 10-card, Celtic cross spread) and have been getting a lot of negative readings lately when nothing should be wrong. R is usually in the room (he may have thought tarot was kinda strange at first, but he is a believer now) and I think he influences the cards to a certain extent, as does my mood. But ever since R and I had that falling out at the beginning of February, my readings are mostly about my fears, even if I am in a happy and loving mood. Could my fears be influencing my thoughts so much that it shows up in a reading, even if I don't realize it and don't feel stressed and worried in my daily life? Will these things come to pass and I am in denial? Or could the room and furniture be influencing my reading? The falling-out occurred there.

Has this ever happened to you?


Had a half-way decent reading last night. Yay!


Anonymous said...

I definately believe our belongings retain our strong vibes, whether negative or positive. Might suggest a cleansing ritual to mitigate any negative vibes that have been stored.

Nikki said...

Yes, I believe things keep negative and positive energy (don't tell my preacher). I think it's why we always think of certain things bringing us bad luck. Like you could always wear a certain ring and somthing negative would happen...etc etc...do you get what I'm tring to say here, or do I sound like I'm talking out of my ass...and if so...can you hear it well?

Nikki said...

can you hook a sister up with a reading? I'm curious.

Misha said...

Of course I can! Email me!