
Bye bye, long weekend. You will be missed.

My father's visit this past weekend was great, but honestly, I'm glad it's over.

We went to a vineyard, we went to the Renn Fest, we had fondue and we went shopping. We talked a lot and played computer games and Xbox. We got pissed off when installing a new superduper graphics card. Fun and merriment was had by all.

Most importantly, my dad is much happier and healthier than I have seen him in a long, long time. And he made the same comments about me and said that R and I are much better suited to each other. R even received the official fatherly stamp of approval when my dad asked when we planned on getting married (notice it was "when", not "if" - I guess my dad wants me to become an honest woman - if he only knew...)

That said, the lack of real sex in my house because of said visit is a bad thing and must be rectified as soon as possible. There was hanky panky and slap and tickle and we even made it to 3rd base, but there was no home base in sight.

I'm not much for sports metaphors, but ladies and gents, I am in desperate need of a grand-slam home run!

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