

Few random Friday thoughts for you

Gave some outgrown clothes to Farmer Jo, and now I have free pick of her bountiful plentitude of fresh produce. Bartering is good. I need wampum.

Anyone interested in first hand retelling of what is actually happening on the ground in New Orleans from real cops, National Guard, and a doctor (and it's not full of positive spins and political bullshit) see First Hand by Jack the Narc. Very informative.

Girl Scout cookies are coming! I know you all love me, but you'll love me even more when I feed your sugar/chocolate/bad carbs addictions. Moowhahaha. I'm your sugar mama.

Here a few snippets from blogs that have given me a chuckle today:

Realized the only way to get good use out of a stress ball is to throw one at somebody you don't like, as hard as you possibly can. Casual Friday

In the last 48 hours, I have eaten three apples, two salads, a banana and a peach – which by my standards is about six years worth of roughage. Yes, this is all part of the masochistic health and fitness regimen about which I wrote yesterday. But after two days eating like a shaman I am now even more committed to my belief that if the good lord had intended us to eat this way, he wouldn’t have invented Count Chocula. Dad Gone Mad

I sit by myself and look at my lottery ticket wondering what I’d do if I won. Would I be responsible and generous? Or would I turn into Caligula? Hmmm. A little of both maybe. Waiterrant

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