

Happy HNT everyone!

What - you were expecting a picture? Well, I would be happy to oblige! I have one slight problem tho. I no longer have my favorite mode of last minute photography, i.e., my cell phone because...

I WASHED MY CELL PHONE IN HOT SOAPY WATER FOR HALF AN HOUR! (along with my jeans in which they were pocketed and a couple pairs of R's scrubs).


I have been so frustrated without it! And the worst part is that IT"S ALL MY FAULT!


I got a new phone after our interminably long quarterly meeting.

Ooooooooooooo SHINEY!!

1 comment:

Trouble said...

OMG! I droppped mine in a toilet once...it was a work cell phone...i.magine explaining *that* to my boss...

Fortunately, it was a CLEAN bowl. Believe it or not, once it dried out, it still worked.