
Tales from the Crypt

R related this tale to me on his way home from work this morning, opening with "We had the weirdest thing happen last night!":

He was working the med-surg floors when they called a "code blue" over the PA. He and several nurses and a doctor went running and started trying to resucitate a man who was in cardiac and respiratory arrest - no pulse, no breathing... nothing. They worked on him for a good 20 minutes but to no avail. The doctor pronounced him dead.

They all consoled each other and cleaned up their areas, then went back to their rotations.

Then R heard a "code blue" announced AGAIN in the same area, so they all went running AGAIN.

Lo and behold... a patient technician who had helped work on the guy the first time walked back by the room and saw the dead guy moving around on his bed AFTER he had already been down for 20 minutes!

The guy is now in critial condition in the ICU, on a ventilator.

R is still freaked out about it.

1 comment:

Lena said...

That is quite creepy. What if they had him already zipped in the bag?? Can you imagine?!