
Monday... er, I mean Tuesday Blahs

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Mine was nice. Spent New Year's Eve at the hospital with R as planned and also had interesting political conversations with 2 Nigerian guys that are RTs in R's department. It's always interesting to see another person's point of view, especially when he is from a completely different culture.

*Sidenote: After I left, R's co-worker, Sam, advised R to marry me because I am "smart, pretty, and very nice." See Internet? I can charm the pants off of African and Middle-Eastern guys (figuratively speaking, of course), but relatively young, half-way decent looking American guys? Not so much. I think I come off as aloof or bimbo-esque when neither one is even remotely true. Hmmm.*


Anyone else feeling kinda blah now that the holiday craziness is over? The holdays are always so frenetic BUT they also come with alot of paid holidays off work, so I guess it's a trade off. Now it's back to our regularly scheduled program of after-school activities (gymnastics, soccer), Girl Scouts, and five day work weeks. Meh.

This week I get to deal with alot of boredom because we don't have the girls AND R has to work Wednesday and Thursday, so I will be spending my evenings alone and bored.

Or extrememly frustrated because my Druid cow (her name is Mamooree - heh) keeps getting killed on World of Warcraft because I am an RPG idiot.

But in either case... booooooo.


So if anyone is online on Wednesday or Thursday evening, pop up and say hi. My Yahoo IM info is on the sidebar.

Hey, wait... it is no longer there, due to my design changes. My sidebar is not the same, and if you are viewing it in IE has dropped to the lower right corner of your screen. Argh. It displays fine in Mozilla Firefox, but it is screwed up in IE - anyone know how to fix that?

Focus! Focus! My Yahoo IM is maisa72.


Anyone else's toes in a constant state of perma-freeze in the winter? Is that just a chick thing? I mean, I'm wearing socks (today they are biege with blue and yellow stripes to match my yellow sweater - I'm sure you were just DYING to know that, too.)


Can this entry get any more pathetic and boring? I mean, I'm describing my SOCKS for chrissake.

Somebody please shoot me somewhere deadly, but doesn't show, like with a 22 caliber in the back of the head, so there are no messy exit wounds or gaping holes on my person and I can hide the wound with my hair.

Then you can perform miraculous CPR on Friday at 4:55 pm. That's 15 chest compressions and 2 breaths, repeat as needed until I am no longer blue - except my toes, as mentioned above. It's possible because I saw this on House, except in their version, there were hibernation blankets and transfusion machines and the person was only down for 60 seconds... but these are really just minor details. Trust me.

I'll be revived for the weekend and you'll be rich and famous for necromancy. Please note: I said necroMANCY, not necroPHILIA.

Can you do that for me?


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