
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Ah, Fall. The time of year when we rake leaves, eat pumpkin pie, make scarecrows and dress like hookers on Halloween. It's my favorite time of year. At least until the first snow fall turns everything into a dazzling crystalline world of beauty. THAT is my favorite time of year. For about 8 hours. Until it gets really cold, and I am miserable until March. Until the first daffodils peak out of the snow. Then Spring is my favorite time of year. Until it gets really hot and I get to relax on the beach. Then Summer is my favorite time of year.

So instead of diagnosing myself with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), I am hereby diagnosing myself with SID (Seasonal Infidelity Disorder) - I'm just not loyal to any one season.


Nikki said...

Hey Chick - sorry about your BF

Hit him with the rolling pin or something.


Anonymous said...

Heh...so, you're a fair weather playa?