
Ah... That's Better

Well, my internet at home is still down. While it is highly annoying, it has also been kinda cool because I have my boyfriend all to myself with no distractions because the exhusband has my girls this week.

I played hooky from work yesterday, so R and I slept late, watched tv, and hung out all day long... naked. It was great. No where to go, no place to be, nothing pressing to deal with. Aaaahhh.

We finally got our rears in gear and went to the 10 PM showing of Mission Impossible 3. Nothing very original, plot-wise, but it had some breath-taking special effects.

It's back to the grind today - I'm back at work and R has to work the next 3 nights in a row. So we're back to only seeing each other for a couple hours a day until Saturday. Booooo

But our little mini-vacation was just what we needed.

Who needs Calgon?!


Dustin said...

no internet at home makes me a sad panda.

Nikki said...

Calgon! Funny you should mention that.

Last night hubby calls me and I have to shout at him over the phone so I can be heard over the baby crying and putting the death grip on my legs while Lauren is yelling at me from her room "Have you seen my Strawberry Shortcake pencil?"

Hubby cracks off with "Calgon, take her away!"

Good to hear you had a break, we all need them. I have one coming here shortly. WOO HOO

Charlie said...

I am afraid that if I went to see MI3 I would be thrown bodily from the theater for yelling "Asshole!" every time Cruise was on screen.

Since he is now an alpha omega theta level 8 or whatever at church, I have a feeling that he created the special FX himself.

Other than that, nakedness is good.

Misha said...

Dustin - I have been a sad sad panda. And welcome!

Nikki - it's amazing how well those ads work, isn't it? LOL

Pooper - as I was watching the movie, I saw many correlations between his life and what he does in the movie (getting married to a cute brunette, and using his OWN ultrasound machine on another woman) and it just made me feel ooky. He used to seem so normal.

Trouble said...

Oh I'm totally jealous. :) I love an all-naked day.

Sven said...

MJ said...
Well, a day spent naked is a day well spent.

Here, here!!!

Supafab said...

i love skipping school! but why would you skip school to watch Tom Criuse??? He's such a freak!