
Whassahappenin', hot stuff?

What to write... what to write...

Should I tell you about the bellydance workshop that R and I went to last weekend? That would end up being a yawn-inducing list of "first we did this... then we did that..." and without any of you actually having been there (with the exception of the faboo Trelina) and without pictures... nah. I will note that I saw a guy semi-belly dance for the first time. He was dressed as a Pharaoh and danced to "I Wanna Be a Bellydancer" by the Red Elvises (very cool) and could actually roll his belly. I was tres impressed.

Should I tell you that this weekend, my girls and I are taking a jaunt into faerie world at the Faeire Festival and I am a total dork because my girls and I dressing up, wings and all (and all at my urging because I never really matured beyond the age of 11)? I might even post pictures as evidence of my dorkiness, if I remember to take the camera and remember to take any pictures.

Should I tell you about my various cats over the years (inspired by reading Nikki's post about her cat yesterday) and the funny stuff they did? About my first cat, Munchkin, who ran across the street (that she was deathly afraid of) to fetch me because she just started going into labor and was totally panicking? Of course, she ended up having her kittens on my bed and then ate the placentas (she must be related to Tom Cruise). Or how about Calvin, who bitch-slapped a guy (that I didn't like but was out on a date with as a favor to a friend) who tried to kiss me? He died last year, at the ripe old age age of 16 (the cat, not the guy). But how would you like to be the guy who got shut down by some chick AND her cat? heh

Should I talk about my constant over-use of parenthetical phrases?

How about this post's title, which has nothing to do with anything I actually wrote about? Can you guess the movie from which it came and the character (not the main one) who said it? Here's a hint: the main character gets felt up by her gandma in a non-lascivious way.

That's got you thinking, doesn't it?


Sven said...

Long Duck Dong in Sixteen Candles.

Sorry to spoil the fun so soon but I like my John Hughes films.

Misha said...

You are correct, sir.

Lake... big lake!

Nikki said...

How cool the cat came and got you. I would have liked to have seen the belly dancing dude - while high. LOL

I demand to see pictures of your kids dressed up as fairies. How cute! You did say you have two girls right? It just wouldn't be right to do that to a boy. LOL

Nikki said...

Wow! new picture!

Charlie said...

And people think we cats are stupid. HUH!

I like it when you just yammer.

Trouble said...

I'm incredibly dorky and I have no plans to grow up anytime soon.