
Medical mysteries

Had a few medical things going on in my immediate family. My mom had some abnormalities show up on an ultrasound, with her kidneys and uterus, so she had an MRI and CT scan this week, but doesn't know the results yet. The good thing is that she feels fine - no lethargy or loss of appetite, etc., so hopefully these things are fluke abnormalities that are easily treatable.

The other thing is that my 4 year old, Ashlyn, needs surgery. Poor little pumpkin. She has a benign tumor in her cheek called a subepidermal calcified nodule that needs to be removed. Luckily, the tumor doesn't interfere with the physiology of her ear or parotid gland or facial nerves YET, but it could if the tumor is allowed to stay and continue to grow. Luckily, it is slow growing and is painless, but it needs to be removed so it won't cause any problems in the future.

She has a consultation with a pediatric plastic surgeon scheduled, then the surgery will be scheduled from there. It's a same day procedure, but she will have to be under general anesthesia because she's 4 and the surgeon can't take the chance of her moving during the surgery. I hate the thought of her going under the knife, even for something minor. :(

All I have to say is... thank god/dess for bubblegum flavored Children's Motrin. That is the only medicine she will take voluntarily. All other medications involve crying, screaming, kicking feet and ultimately, projectile vomitting. Linda Blair has NOTHING on my darling daughters, trust me.

Are you sure all you as-of-yet childless couples really WANT children? Yes, they are wonderful and hearing them laugh and watching them grow and discover the wonders of the world around them is truly magical... but jeez!

You don't know what 'worry' is until you have a child.

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