
Quiz results

What is your Magick Path?
DRUIDIC - You have to live close to nature to
survive. You dream magick. In the deep woods
you gather, bringing together mysticism and
philosophy, insight and learning. Your spirit
emerges from the the tides of the sea, the
light of the sun, the wind in the Oak, the cry
of the deer.

*Yeah - I LOOOOVE the bleating cry of the deer when they run into the side of my car and break of my side-view mirror and dent my trim. Grrrr*

What animal spirit lives inside of you?

In you the spirit of the fox lives.The fox is very smart and thoughtful. He is concentrated in hunting its food and always seems to plan 10 steps ahead.So do you.You are a hard-working, concentrated and focused, smart person which plans ahead and has everything under control.But hey, you are not a fox living in the woods.Try to let loose sometimes and have fun.You live just once...Maybe...

Does this mean I'm foxy? Or that I have a pointy nose?


Anonymous said...

I always saw you as more of a wombat.

Misha said...

You actually made me spit my Coca-cola.

Anonymous said...

Did you get it on somebody? That's the only way I'll be truly satisfied.