
Another reason I'm not a screamer

Amorous couple sparks rescue drama
Jul 27, 8:23 AM (ET)

LONDON (Reuters) - A British couple who headed out to sea in a dinghy for an amorous liaison sparked a major rescue operation when their cries of passion were mistaken for someone in trouble, British police said Tuesday.

A passer-by raised the alarm after hearing strange noises coming from the waters near a beach in Torbay on the southwest coast of England Saturday morning, prompting the coastguard to send lifeboats and police to the scene.

"It was found that there was a partially-clothed couple in a small rubber dingy that were brought ashore and asked to put their clothes back on."

Now, I'm not one to throw big fucking rocks in tiny little glass houses because, hey, I've been busted by the cops while I was half naked, too (and yeah, it was the bottom half) .

Oh yeah, and try speedily putting on and pulling up your jeans that are fashionably full of holes in the miniscule area of the front seat of a Chevy Z24 while you are sweaty and a cop is standing outside the car, tapping his flashlight on your window... there is no 'speed' about it.

And Hi, the cop said my name was familiar to him. It was for one of three reasons - none of which are exactly 'good' scenarios. Those three reasons were:
  1. I was the long-time (ex) girlfriend of a fellow officer. (embarrassing)
  2. His police department had offered me a scholarship (I was in college at the time). (really embarrassing)
  3. I had testified against another fellow officer in a rape case. (revenge, anyone?)

Notice none of them involve me and criminal stuff, because even tho I may be stupid, I am law abiding. Except when it comes to parking. And sneaking food into the movie theater.

But at least I wasn't so incoherent/loud that they sent out a rescue crew.


Anonymous said...

I aspire to be so dramatic!


Anonymous said...

Wait. So... what are the other reasons?
