
Monday Monday la la la la la la

Well, it's another Monday. Another day in the neverending cycle of home-work-errands-home. I wish I weren't a grown-up sometimes. No bills, no car accidents, no major responsibilites... I would miss the few things I enjoy - drinking, driving and sex (not in that order, mind you).

The only thing I got really stressed about in my childhood years (that I was concious of, anyway) was grades. And boy, did grades stress me out when I was still young and eager to please. (That eagerness came to an abrupt halt in high school for various reasons.) I don't know why I was so afraid to disappoint my parents - I guess every kid is when they are young and their parents' approval still means everything to them. My sister was always very ambitious in school and always had straight A's, so the pressure to keep up was on.

I was such a nerd. I used to have nightmares about unfinished school projects during the summer. In fact, I actually contemplated running away in 7th grade because I was going to get a "C" in Home Economics due to the fact that I was so anal, all my projects were turned in late.

Oh, if that were my worst problem now... I would be a happy, happy girl.


Weekend update - ended up not doing a damn thing. It was POURING all day on Saturday, and the fairgrounds were acres and acres of complete muck on Sunday, so I ended up cancelling my cultural plans of going to the PowWow. Boooo I was actualy looking forward to that.

Had a really nice weekend with my man tho. We just stayed home and hung out and watched movies and talked and ate... it was a very relaxing weekend.

I find my cooking repertoire is expanding and going back to my roots at the same time in cooking for my man. My ex-husband always wanted chicken and pasta and pizza. That was about all I cooked for 9 years, except for an occasional break with fish here and there. He generally didn't eat pork and I wasn't good at cooking beef products, so chicken it was.

Now I find myself making the dishes my mom made growing up, because my man is from the South, too, but he also likes Mexican and Italian. So in the past few weeks, I've made fried chicken, chicken fried steak, chicken and dumplings - the biscuit kind (which I don't really dig on, but my man and the rugrats love it) , pork chops, enchiladas, white chicken chili, and various other dishes. I'm learning what cuts of beef are used for what dishes (because chicken is chicken, pretty much, so that was always easy). I've even learned how to make gravy from scratch.

(Dre - if you are reading this, I can hook you up with a good recipe for the fried chicken if you haven't found one - it's from my grandmother. And I still remember the fried chicken experiments at your old house. Boy, were we dumb. LOL)

All this fried stuff with gravy makes me sound like I must be big as a house, doesn't it? Well, for your information, I haven't gained a pound. In fact I've lost a few. Moderation is key, here, folks. But my cholesterol must be sky high. heh heh heh Oh well. Can't have everything.


Blog design note - blog still looks the same, but the archives weren't updating and links weren't working, so they are now fixed. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is like 10:00am here in Hawaii and I am starving. Reading about all this food is making it worse. :)