

So, this morning I walk into work, and everyone is all in a tizzy.


Our software servers were down, meaning lots of irate guys from the Pentagon were calling, and at the same time...


Funny thing is, the servers taking a dump and the power outage had nothing to do with each other - our servers are at the Pentagon, and our actual office location is about 15 miles away. It was pure coincidence.

But being the anal little worker bees we are, people just about shat themselves.

Consequently, I have now tasked myself (with my supervisor's ecstatic approval) with making a disaster recovery plan with actual procedures to follow when something like that happens, so people aren't screaming like the world is ending when something like this happens again. Because we all know, if it happened once, it can happen again.

Murphy's Law is always in effect, especially in the IT field.

So for the next few days, I'm actually putting my OSHA training from the Air Force to good use.

Know what qualifies as hazardous work conditions in the exciting field of chairborne linguists? Electric shock and tripping.

Know what the hazardous work conditions are for most of the IT career fields? Electric shock and tripping.

And, yes, I have been electrically shocked.

During which I yelped really loudly and yelled "Motherfucker!" after throwing the offending object against the wall.

In a room full of people. Of course all heads turned and gaped at me and snickered.

What was I so gloriously shocked by?


Which I then had to report to the NCOIC.

Who then snickered.

I can't blame him. I mean, who the fuck gets shocked by headphones, for christsake?!

Well, apparently, I do.

And as for tripping...

I am the all time champ.

Yay me.

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