
Hey Mom, I wanna go (but they won't let me go ) home!

I spoke with my mom yesterday and found out that she is moving to Texas with her boyfriend... in OCTOBER! I though they were going next year at the earliest, but they put a contract on a house and if it is accepted, they close in mid-September. Ack!

What is my point to all this?

After October, I no longer have a place to call "home." The house and even the town I consider to be the answer when people ask "Where are you from?" will no longer be mine. I will have no connection to them other than memory, because that house and my fractured family will no longer be there.

It is a very odd, sort of sad feeling.

I feel like a safety net has been removed from below me and I am unsteadily traversing the high wire, trying not to look down.

I just hope when I make it to the other side, in all my sequined glory, that the hands of my loved ones are there reaching out to help me onto the platform. Then I will triumphantly yell, "HEY!!"

Can someone toss me a balancing pole?


Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie! You've got me and Russ, and so you'll always have a place to call home.

I have a great balancing pole, it shoots sparklers out of the two ends.

Love you!


Anonymous said...

You never told me you had a cool balancing pole!

Anonymous said...

I only pull it out for special occasions. Perhaps tonight...

Anonymous said...

I love it when you talk dirty

Anonymous said...

Post pictures.